Sequel to Winter Rose, the book, while naturally superb, is markedly unlike any McKillip book we have read, as not only is it clearly set in our world but, astonishingly, is it not written in the mytho-poetic style that characterizes all of McKillip's work. Indeed, we did not believe that was possible for her to write a Fantasy book in a different style. That said, though, even if it was not recognizably a McKillip book in writing and setting, it certainly was in depth of plot and story: A wonderful, down-to-earth tale of Fae heritage and weaving magic and fear born from what happened to Rois and Corbet Lynn.
Congratulations for bridging the gap between forest and Lynn Hall, Sylvia, Iris, Tyler, Judith, Owen & Rue, Dorian & Leith. Love is truly the most powerful weapon against traditional fear.