Updated private message to my former students

Greetings all,

This is a replacement to my original private message, so those who read that original should pay as close attention as those who have not. To start, I hope you enjoyed learning Riddle Mastery and are doing well. If you are reading this then you found or were given by me the link to this my Stars Uncounted blog; I hope you find it fun.

Now, to business. Some of you have expressed an interest if not outright intention of emailing me once you are no longer my students; once you become former ones. That is fine, however, there are strict ground rules we must adhere to. In short, the subject of such discourse must be limited to riddles or advice on creative writing. I am neither a reviewer nor ELA teacher, so I will not read your work, but if you have any clearly defined questions about the writing or self-publication process then I will answer them to the best of my ability. The same applies to riddles: I can give advice and my opinion to a degree, plus general news on the latest crop of Riddle Masters, but if I have taught you anything about Riddle Mastery I hope it was that riddles need to be tested and proved solvable to be judged good. Besides, there is little I can teach over email.

What I CANNOT do is chat casually like I might have when you were my students; nor should emails be written/exchanged anywhere close to often; 3-4 times a school-year at most, I would say (and never during summer vacation). Also, make sure your parents know you are writing me and approve; show them this page if you wish. I will reply and answer direct questions sent to me on the aforementioned topics, but that is the limit; and if I deem we are straying or an email does not match these strict, professional guidelines then I will not reply.

A Coat-of-Arms for Riddle Mastery I had made.
I own the copyright, so feel free to use it.

Your parents will be able to explain all this more fully, but it is one of the rules of professional teaching.

Regardless, I want you all to know how proud I am of each and every one of you, and how much fun I had teaching you. I miss you all and remind you to never underestimate your skill or that you have earned, wholly and truly, the title Riddle Master. Finally, for those of you inclined to do so, I am certain that you can train many outstanding Master Riddle-Solvers and/or Makers yourselves. Who said I had to be the only Master Riddle Teacher? In fact, one of my secrets was a desire to train someone capable of passing the skills on. Let the students become the teachers, as is said.

Best wishes and may fortune favor to you all going forward!


Ian E.S. Adler

P.S. I realized that while I always spoke of the Principles of Riddle Mastery, I never gave you folks a list of them. I am correcting that error now with this link.

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