clip clop clip clop clip clop....hoofbeats...
I have just finished Winterlight, book 7 in the Green Rider series by Kristen Britain.
swear my heart beat faster than horse hooves for most of book, but
Rider Swordmaster Sir Karigan G'ladheon, did was she does best from
start to finish, proving to herself that she is still a hero of the
realm. And the land of the Sacor Clans needs heroes for, while one enemy
is dealt with, one war over, the two truest threats rise. Dragons from
the sea and Mornhavon the Black from the heart of the dark wood he
despoiled in ages past. Rest well and until next time, Dama Cearing
Asai'riel a'Santanara, and may you see both your fathers soon.
clip clop clip clop clip clop....hoofbeats... (receding into the distance)
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