Saturday, February 18, 2023

Just started Sword-Bearer, volume eight of the Novels of Tiger and Del by Jennifer Roberson

He was Tiger, born of the desert winds. She was Del, born of ice and storm.

Just started Sword-Bearer, volume eight of the Novels of Tiger and Del by Jennifer Roberson.
I know weather is fickle and the deadly Punja desert more so, but one basic fact everyone can take for gods' granted truth is that it does not snow in the, as Del put it, hoolies-cursed hot South. Until now. Si'anasa, weather-working, weather magic, is a play which can only mean trouble. Which means tis likely time to return North to face this North-born threat, hope Tiger can put his ioSkandic nature to controlled use, and that this time Del meeting Kalle does not end in a death-dance. Indeed, the only certainty now is that they will get captured at least once. Meaning it is time to step back into the circle.

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