It is an enchantment out of the sea. A lullaby born upon the tides. A siren's song luring readers to an island humble fishing village where a pale-and-tangled-haired girl who scrubs floors and walks barefoot finds herself in the midst of a grand mystery born of love and anger out of the depths. A fairy tale of a dark-haired prince who hears the call of the sea, a kingdom beneath the waves, a sea-dragon wearing a golden chain, and a wizard who smells of brine. McKillip books always sit on the same shelf as Tolkien's, but this one is truly like a lullaby – the ebb and flow of the lyrical text seeping into you so that one must concentrate harder on the story itself lest one fall under a foggy enchantment and lose one's head. For those seeking a book capturing all the fey majesty and mystery of the sea, look no further.
Farewell and lots of love to Peri, Prince Kir, Aidon, mage Lyo, Mare, Carey, Enin, the King, and the sea-woman.
an odd thing, happiness. Some people take happiness from gold. Or black
pearls. And some of us, far more fortunate, take their happiness from
periwinkles.” – Patricia A. McKillip
“Love and anger are like land and sea: They meet at many different places.” – Patricia A. McKillip
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