Wednesday, December 20, 2017

For everyone and everything, there is a time to die.

"Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?" In this case a bit of both, and my deepest thanks to my friend Caleb for setting me on this path so long ago.

Just finished Goldenhand by Garth Nix, sequel and final book of the classic Abhorsen Series 🔔
As always, the seriously long climax nearly gave me heart-failure, but I would been disappointed otherwise. And such a pleasure to see old friends again! Sabriel & Touchstone, Lirael & Nick, Sam and Ellimere...and new friends like Ferin of the Athask tribe.

If you want to read a truly unique and wondrous Fantasy of the first order, look no further than the Old Kingdom.

Thank you for everything Garth Nix, none the least for teaching me one of the basic principles of High Fantasy morality the sentiment of the Abhorsens: "For everyone and everything, there is a time to die."

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