Wednesday, February 14, 2018

George R.R. Martin funds scholarship for budding Fantasy worldbuilders

Naturally I disagree with GRRM on many things, but he is more than right in that “these days, the world [has] more need of wonder than ever before” and that the best epic fantasy “requires a memorable setting … a world both like and unlike our own, with its own rich history and geography and customs, its own beauties and terrors”.

Westeros and the lands across the Narrow Sea
Hence George R.R. Martin, an author (and master worldbuilder) whose skill I have never denied, is sponsoring a new annual scholarship at the Clarion West Writers Workshop in Seattle: 
 A Worldbuilder Scholarship covering tuition & fees & lodging for a single student per year. "The award will not be limited by age, race, sex, religion, skin color, place of origin, or field of study. The winner will be selected each year in a blind judging to an applicant who demonstrates both financial need and a talent for worldbuilding and the creation of secondary universes." And my thanks, Mr. Martin, for once again acknowledging J.R.R. Tolkien as "a worldbuilder without peer".

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