Tuesday, July 16, 2019

An Arthurian Epic without peer

My father and I just finished Silver on the Tree, the final book of Susan Cooper's The Dark Is Rising Sequence.  
The series that is one of our oldest and highest pinnacles of Fantasy, an Arthurian Epic that helped forge our love of the genre and, for me, crafted my view of the world almost as much as The Lord of the Rings.
"When the dark comes rising, six shall turn it back; 
Three from the circle, three from the track; 
Wood, bronze, iron; water, fire, stone; 
Five will return, and one go alone." 
Thus by the Six and the Pendragon's sword Eirias, by the Light and the great Circle of Old Ones, the Dark has been put to flight forever and world belongs now, wholly and truly, to humanity.

“For remember, that it is altogether your world now. You and all the rest. We have delivered you from evil, but the evil that is inside men is at the last a matter for men to control. The responsibility and the hope and the promise are in your hands-your hands and the hands of all men on this earth. The future can not blame the present, just as the present can not blame the past. The hope is always here, always alive, but only your fierce caring can fan it into a fire to warm the world." - Merriman Lyon, first of the Old Ones, Merlin

Farewell for now, for we shall meet again, Simon, Jane, and Barney Drew, Will Stanton, Bran Davies, Merriman Lyon, and all those others affiliated with the Light.

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