Where Dragons came from and their use in Fantasy. Almost finished, for now we at last reach other subspecies of Dragons, species most typically found in gaming.
Forest/Swamp Dragon:
One generally do not think of Dragons being at home in the wooded or
wet areas, but what are human rules to a Dragon's tenacity? These
Dragons vary, but are invariably more reptilian, resembling lizards and
crocodiles more than aught else. With scales typically green or black,
or dark green, for camouflage, or having a bark-like hide instead of
scales, Swamp/Forest Dragons breath neither fire nor ice but, rather,
poison that comes out as a toxic gas. One could say they are the
evolutionary apex of a venomous snake. Some people classify Forest and
Swamp Dragons as separate species altogether and, in a way, they are,
but not there are not enough differences to warrant dividing them here.
Cosmic/Astral Dragon: These Dragons will really make you see stars, literally. Enigmatic as a rule, Astral Dragons are closely bound to the cosmos and glitter with the light of far off stars, their scales being all the colors of the night sky and the typical nebula - i.e. a ever-shifting shifting mix of blue, black, purple. Invariably highly intelligent to the point where humans rank as near-universal simpletons, they are the stuff of myths, hazy legend, and are chiefly concerned with high matters beyond human knowledge or comprehension. What do they breathe? Usually starry light made corporeal that looks benign yet is no less and often far more deadly that regular dragonfire.
Dark/Chaos Dragon: These are the Dragons who may be summed up by one word: evil. They take many forms and I am sure some question why I chose to merge Dark and Chaos Dragons into one sub-species as, technically speaking, Dark Dragons are merely evil Dragons of any species that deal in dark magic whereas Chaos Dragons are in effect the opposite of Cosmic/Astral Dragons, crazed beings of pure chaotic energy. I blend them because each serve the same function in stories: the evil Dragon whom the heroes need to slay or cripple. Unlike other species of Dragon they view humans with active, typically genocidal, scorn and their power draws foul and power-hungry minds to serve them. What do they breathe? Depends, but a Chaos Dragon generally breathes dark 'fire' that takes more than mere water to quench.
And that is just about it, though naturally there is much more. As I said in the beginning, if any creatures captures the majesty and mystery, glory and wonder, beauty and power of Fantasy literature it is the mighty Dragon. We all know what a Dragon is and instinctively react to the word, but there is so much more. I have seen Dragons that breathe lightening, light, and shadow. I have seen the above species blended, and have not even included Sea Dragons since I classify them as belonging more to the Sea Monster category. Nor have I mentioned wyrms, wyverns, metallic Dragons, Dragonborn, Dragonkin, or any other offshoot Dragon-like races found in Dungeons & Dragons, other games, and the rare book. What do you think I am, a Fantasy encyclopedia writer? If I tried to cover everything I would need a whole new website dedicated exclusively to Dragons. Ever heard of Dragon Ogres? They are from Warhammer and combine ogres with Dragons in the same way centaurs do humans and horses.
However, if you are interested in learning more then I highly recommend reading the aforementioned Dragonology book or, even better, the Fantasy series' I listed,
for when one immerses oneself in the Fantastic then, eventually, one
will become a master of Dragon-lore. Do I know everything there is to
know about Dragons? Hardly, though I admit that it is the rare author
(or game) who can come up with new twists that I am unfamiliar with. The
point being that do not for a moment believe that reading this page
makes one proficient in Dragon-lore for, as said Ursula K. Le Guin "it is one thing to read about dragons and another to meet them,"
which in this context means that the only way to truly know Dragons is
to dive headlong into Fantasy, meeting them as unforgettable characters
on the printed page and the gaming screen. For truly there is no sight
more wondrous, more awesome in the old sense of the word (i.e.
awe-inspiring), than a Dragon in flight.
I've sent info before about a heretofore unknown native-to-America dragon. LMK if anyone would like to learn more. Gracias. RChGarcia.com
ReplyDeleteUnknown indeed, RudyG, for I still cannot find any record of it save that in the Mayan language the word "Chicxulub" translates into "tail of the dragon," "tail of the beast," or "fire of the beast." Yet there nothing about monster going by that name from Native American myths that I can find. If you have records of such a myth then I would love to see it.